“My true passion lies in the art of mixology. There's something incredibly satisfying about creating unique and flavorful cocktails that leave a lasting impression on guests. I believe in providing exceptional hospitality, making every visit to the bar an unforgettable experience.”

Hello! I'm Alonso, originally from Naples, Florida, and I'd love to share a bit about myself with you.

My journey began with a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Florida State University. I spent four years in the world of accounting, but I soon realized I was searching for something more fulfilling and exciting. That's when I discovered my passion for bartending and mixology.

Beyond my professional journey, I'm an avid supporter of my favorite sports teams – Go Noles and Go Bucs! I also cherish the time spent with my family and friends, as they are my greatest source of inspiration and support. When I'm not crafting delicious cocktails, you can find me immersed in a good book, playing beautiful melodies on the piano, or trying to break 90 on the golf course.

My true passion lies in the art of mixology. There's something incredibly satisfying about creating unique and flavorful cocktails that leave a lasting impression on guests. I believe in providing exceptional hospitality, making every visit to the bar an unforgettable experience.

While I may not have any extraordinary achievements to highlight just yet, I'm determined to pursue my dreams. My ultimate goal is to create a one-of-a-kind and elegant bar experience right here in Naples. I envision a place where curated cocktails are expertly paired with an elevated dining experience, offering our guests a taste of pure sophistication and indulgence.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little better. I'm excited to embark on this journey, and I can't wait to share my passion for mixology and hospitality with you.